Dealing with industry’s influence on clinical evidence
I co-wrote a piece for The Conversation about a new article that was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, written by Andreas Lundh and other luminaries from the research area. The...
View ArticleIntroducing evidence surveillance as a research stream
I’ve taken a little while to get this post done because I’ve been waiting for my recently-published article to go from online-first to being citeable with volume and page numbers. Last year, I was...
View ArticleDo people outside of universities want to read peer-reviewed journal articles?
I asked a question on Twitter about whether or not people actually tried to read the peer-reviewed journal articles (not just the media releases), and if they encountered paywalls when they tried. This...
View ArticleMedia collection about conflicts of interest in systematic reviews of...
As usual, I’m keeping a record of major stories in the media related to a recently published paper. I will continue to update this post to reflect the media response to our article in the Annals of...
View ArticleSo you’ve found a competing interest disclosure. Now what?
Published research varies across a spectrum that at one end is simply marketing masquerading as genuine inquiry. Actors in lab coats. To counter this problem, every time research is published in a...
View ArticleThinking outside the cylinder: on the use of clinical trial registries in...
Clinical trials take a long time to be published, if they are at all. And when they are published, most of them are either missing critical information or have changed the way they describe the...
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